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Showing posts from August, 2021

Squares and Square Roots || Shashaank Blogspot

  Squares and Square Roots 1. If a number is multiplied by itself, the product that we get is called the square of the number. For example: 4 x 4 = 4 2  = 16                                                                 (16 is square of 4) 20 x 20 = 20 2  = 400                                                         (400 is square of 20) 3 5 × 3 5 = ( 3 5 ) 2 = 9 25   ( 9 25 ...

Traditional African masks || Shashaank Blogspot

  Traditional African masks   play an important role in certain traditional African rituals and ceremonies. Masks serve an important role in rituals or ceremonies with varied purposes like ensuring a good harvest, addressing tribal needs in time of peace or war, or conveying spiritual presences in initiation rituals or burial ceremonies. Some masks represent the spirits of deceased ancestors. Others symbolize totem animals, creatures important to a certain family or group. In some cultures, like the Kuba culture of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, masks represent specific figures in tribal mythology, like a king or a rival to the ruler. The wearer of the mask is often believed to be able to communicate to the being symbolized by it, or to be possessed by who or what the mask represents. Dogon ceremonial mask in use Ritual and ceremonial masks are an essential feature of the traditional culture of the peoples of a part of Sub-Saharan Africa, e.g. roughl...

Paper MineCraft #1 || EnergeticTech || Shashaank Blogspot

Median and Mode || Shashaank Blogspot

 Median Median and Mode To define the median in one sentence we can say that the median gives us the midpoint of the data. What do you mean by the midpoint? Suppose you have ‘ n ‘ number of data, then arrange these numbers in ascending or descending order. Just pick the midpoint from the particular series. From the Raw Data  The very first thing to be done with raw data is to arrange them in ascending or descending order. In Layman’s terms: Median = the middle number The median number varies according to the total number being odd or even. Initially let us assume the number as the odd number. Now if we have numbers like 12, 15, 21, 27, 35. So here we can say that the midpoint here is 21, Median = (n+12)th term if n is odd What if we have even number? Let us take the same set of series but this time just add one number to the series: 12, 15, 21, 27, 35, 40. So in this case when the numbers are even then taking the mean of the numbers, Median = Mean( n2th   and (n2+1)t...

Arithmetic Mean || Shashaank Blogspot

  Arithmetic Mean In general language arithmetic mean is same as the average of data. It is the representative value of the group of data.  Suppose we are given ‘ n ‘ number of data and we need to compute the arithmetic mean, all that we need to do is just sum up all the numbers and divide it by the total numbers. Let us understand this with an example: There are two sisters, with different heights. The height of the younger sister is 128 cm and height of the elder sister us 150cm. So what if you want to know the average height of the two sisters? What if you are asked to find out the mean of the heights?  As their total height is divided into two equal parts, 128 + 150 2  =  278 2  = 139 cm So 139 cm is the average height of the sisters. Here 150 > 139 >  128. Also, the average value also lies in between the minimum value and the maximum value. Formula for Arithmetic Mean Mean =  S u m o f a l l o b s e r v a t i o n s n...