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Reaching The Age Of Adolescence

Multiple  Choice  Questions:   1.  Put  a  tick  mark  (✓)  against  the  correct  alternative  in  the  following  statements:  (a)  Cortisone  hormone  is  secreted  by:  1.  Medulla  of  adrenal  2.  Cortex  of  adrenal  3.  Pancreas 4.  Thyroid  (b)  Which  one  of  the  following  hormones  stimulates  the  breakdown  of  glycogen in  the  liver  into  glucose:  1.  Insulin  2.  Adrenaline  3.  Glucagon  4.  Thyroxine  (c)  Which  one  of  the  following  hormones  converts  excess  of  glucose  into glycogen:  1.  Glucagon  2.  Thyroxine  3.  Insulin  4.  Adrenaline  (d)  Which  one...

Introduction To Graphs Class 8 Notes- Chapter 15

  Introduction To Graphs  Class 8 Notes-  Chapter 15 What are the different types of Graphical Representation of Data? Graphical methods used to present data is very efficient in organizing the data and understand them. There are various graphical methods which are mentioned below: While comparing among categories, the method which is appropriate is the bar graph. While comparing parts of a whole, pie-chart is the ideal method. When data is provided in intervals, a histogram can be used for easier understanding. In the case of the data changing continuously over a period of time, a line graph will be useful When an unbroken line is represented, it is done with the help of a linear graph Introduction to Graphs Graphs  are  visual representation of data collected . It’s purpose is to show numerical data in physical form so that it can be understood quickly, easily and clearly. Bar Graphs Bar Graph A  bar graph  is used to show  comparison ...


 Sound Sound plays an important role in our daily life. It helps us to communicate with one another and express yourself. Sound is produced by vibrating the objects and it is carried in all directions with the help of a medium. Sound needs a medium to travel. It cannot travel in a vacuum. We hear sound through our ears. The eardrums of our ears sense the vibrations produced by a vibrating object and send them to the brain as the stimulus. This process is called a hearing. Frequency:  The number of oscillations or vibrations per second is called the frequency of oscillation. Noise Pollution:  The presence of excessive or unwanted sound in the atmosphere is called noise pollution. Major causes of noise pollution are sounds of vehicles, explosions including the bursting of crackers, machines, loudspeakers etc. Presence of excessive noise in the surroundings may cause many health-related problems e.g., lack of sleep, hypertension and anxiety etc. Plantation on the roadside an...